We look forward to seeing you this month on Saturday, October 3, from 1-3 (Zoom access to start early at 12:30 if you want to socialize before the meeting that begins at 1:00). Please join us for:
Please plan to participate in our October program by sharing your quilting muse with us.
From Faye Jones ,
“I think we all really enjoyed last month's program when we all shared a little of ourselves with the group. In a continuation of the ‘getting to know you’ spirit, I am asking you to speak to us about what quilter or quilters shaped your quilting personality. I would love for you to show books or other materials from this/these person(s) and some of your work resulting from that influence. This is our guild and your contribution is what keeps us going during this challenging time! Looking forward to seeing new ideas and learning of new inspirational sources.”
Please bring your stories, your resources, and be prepared to add titles or internet links into the chat during zoom so that we can catalog all the goodness we share.
A Few Reminders and Bits of Information
- September's Block of the Month was a Friendship Block inspired by Mary Fons. We look forward to seeing your block during our meeting.
- Our meetings for the rest of the year will be on Zoom and there will not be any more sew-ins for the rest of the year (but don't let that keep you from visiting your favorite local quilt shops). November (November 7) will be a program about copyright and quilting. And December (December 5) will be a Mystery Holiday Elf Swap.
- Upcoming Elections - Are you interested in becoming more involved with the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild? It is nominating and electing season (more details about that will come during the meeting). Positions available are President, Vice President, Outside Speaker Coordinator, Block of the Month, and Facilities Coordinator. For more detailed descriptions of these roles see the notes under Nominating Committee from last month's meeting minutes. Contact Dagmar or Faye, or email Greenvillemqg@gmail.com to let us know you would like to join the team.
- A Mystery Holiday Elf Swap: In keeping with social distancing, in lieu of our annual Holiday Auction Luncheon there will be a Mystery Holiday Elf Swap for which we will secretly make items to swap. Sign up/register for swapping handmade items by emailing Faye Jones (birdie1345<at>aol<dot>com), briefly identifying your preference for a religious, secular (e.g., HO HO HO, reindeer, etc.), traditional or modern item so that you can get something you will want and can use.
- Have you found yourself wondering about someone you used to see at in-person meetings? Take a minute to email or call someone to say hi and invite them to the meeting this weekend.
- Here is our zoom meeting login information (the password will be mailed separately on Friday):
MQG Guilds is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Greenville MQG October meeting
Time: Oct 3, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 2422 4537
Passcode: to be sent out Friday
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Meeting ID: 827 2422 4537
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kMsRNb7xG
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