Thursday, October 24, 2019

November 2, 2019 - Hand Quilting

Our program this month will be presented by our very own, Didi Salvatierra. Didi has been stitching professionally since 1990. Her quilts reflect a love of color, spontaneity and often humor. Many of you are familiar with her attention to detail and embellishments that infuse each piece of her work with vibrant visual impact. Didi has been hand quilting for others, teaching workshops and presenting lectures for many years.

Our Hand Quilting program will be multi-faceted. Didi will present a lecture, "Everything You Wanted to Know about Hand Quilting" followed by a hand quilting demonstration. Cindy Lammon will be assisting with a hands-on station for you to give hand quilting a try. All supplies will be provided. You'll even be able to take some batting samples home for further practice, thanks to a generous donation from Hobbs Batting.

There will also be some modern quilts on hand so we can learn how hand quilting can be incorporated into modern quilts! If you have a modern quilt that has some hand quilting, please bring it to the meeting to share with all of us.

A Few Reminders:

  • Election for the 2020 Board Members will take place at this month's meeting. You must be present to vote.
    • President - Dagmar Theodore
    • Vice President - Faye Jones
    • Secretary - Michele Blake
    • Treasurer - Cindy Lange
    • Membership - Sarah Snider
  • Our next Golden Hour Photoshoot will be November 4th at 5pm (weather permitting) at the Wyche pavilion behind the Peace Center. You must contact Elise Dunbar if you'd like to participate, otherwise she will not be there. 
  • Our last Block of the Month for 2019 is Tailgate.
  • Be sure to bring any items you have for our "Free to a Good Home" table.
  • Thank you for returning any library books you have checked out.
  • As always, we look forward to seeing your latest creations for Show and Share!
Hope you can join us, Saturday, November 2nd from 1-3 pm at St. Giles Church, 1021 Hudson Rd., Greenville, SC.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Highlights from the October 2019 Meeting

Machine Appliqué Workshop

Our Saturday started with a Machine Appliqué Workshop presented by our own Paige Alexander from Quilted Blooms. We learned her technique of satin stitch machine appliqué, including supplies, tricks and tips for dealing with corners and curves. After demonstrating the technique, Paige helped each of us create our own appliqué block.

Products mentioned: Soft Fuse Premium, Sulky Stabilizer, Modern Plus Sign Quilts, Self-Threading Needles.

Thanks Paige for such a fun and informative workshop!

Program: Machine Appliqué in Modern Quilting

For our regular program, Paige returned along with Travis Seward to present a program that included an overview of the many various techniques for appliqué. They shared a glimpse into the history of how appliqué has been used around the world and brought us back to modern times with examples of appliqué in modern quilts. Thank you Paige and Travis for inspiring us to explore appliqué even more. 


  • We welcomed 32 members to our October meeting.

Asheville Quilt Show

  • Congratulations to GMQG winners in last weekend's Asheville Quilt Show: Paige Alexander, Valorie Kasten and Carrie Barcroft.
  • Exciting News! Our GMQG 2019 Charity Quilt "Zoomville" won first place in the Group Category.

Sew-In Day

  • Our September Sew-In Day was a huge success and fun for all 14 members in attendance! 
  • Our last Sew-In Day for 2019 is Friday, November 8th from 10-4 at Bernina, We're In Stitches.

Golden Hour Photo Shoot

  • Paige Alexander got some great photos at our first Guild Photoshoot!
  • Stay tuned for the next Photoshoot day and time.

November Program

  • Didi Salvatierra and Cindy Lammon will be presenting a program on Hand Quilting, which will include both a lecture and hands-on practice.
  • Do you have a modern quilt that has hand quilting? Please bring it to the meeting to share!

December Holiday Luncheon

  • In December we will host our annual fundraiser and we appreciate new or nearly new items for our auction/lottery. Attendees buy $1 tickets and place them into containers for each item. The winner for each is then drawn from the container. Suggested donations include: quilts, quilted items, quilting supplies, gift certificates, fabric, books, patterns, art, gift baskets and holiday items.
  • If you would like to donate something, but cannot attend the December meeting, contact the committee members listed below by mid November.
  • We ask that you please RSVP for the luncheon, so we can plan accordingly. RSVP at our regular meetings or contact one of the committee members listed below. We would like to have a final count by November 23rd.
  • Contact any of the committee members: Jill Erickson, Ruth Freyer, Darlene Sanford, Dana Blasi or the guild at

2020 Board Nominations

  • The Nominating Committee (Elise Dunbar, Cindy Lammon and Michele Blake) announced the nominees for next year's board:
    • President - Dagmar Theodore
    • Vice President - Faye Jones
    • Secretary - Michele Blake
    • Treasurer - Cindy Lange
    • Membership - Sarah Snider
  • Elections will take place at the November meeting. You must be present to vote.

2020 Dues

  • We will start collecting dues of $50 at the November meeting. According to our Bylaws, dues must be paid by January 31st to continue membership in the guild. Remember your GMQG dues also include your membership in The Modern Quilt Guild.

Block of the Month

  • October is our last Block of the Month for 2019, Tailgate:

Show and Share

Didi Salvatierra - Veteran's Raffle Quilt

Michele Blake

Bonnie Cunningham
Dagmar Theodore - "me-made" top

Mary Kelly - Appliqué from morning workshop, Mary also has a doll submitted to Houston in the Hoffman Challenge

Cindy Lange
Faye Jones

Ruth Freyer

Valorie Kasten
Our next meeting will be Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 1-3 pm at St. Giles Church, 1021 Hudson Rd., Greenville, SC.