Sunday, March 19, 2023
April Sew In
Highlights from the March 4, 2023 Meeting
Our President Ava Moore started the meeting by giving us a program update for our next
meeting. We are having a “Community Sew-In” next month. The sew-in starts at 10:00 a.m.
You can assist with the group with a philanthropy quilt. Cindy showed us a sample block which
she will supply to be used to create the quilt; improvisational quilting. New quilters are
encouraged to participate. Members are also welcome to work on a project of choice if they
prefer. There will be two sign-up sheets in the back of the room: philanthropy quilt or free
The Presentation for next meeting will be guest speakers; one from each of our Philanthropy
We will also be constructing our Guild Banner that day. The banner will be used when
individuals from our Guild speak at other Guild meetings or various social events.
Our prior charity quilt, which we worked on last October that Valerie created, was on display at
QuiltCon (it’s in the back of the room) and there are pictures on Facebook. It was suggested
that we raffle the quilt and conduct the raffle as we visit various quilt guilds. Proceeds from the
raffle will go to one of our philanthropy groups. Program Committee will try to visit various
Quilt Guilds.
The Quilter of South Carolina meeting is in Columbia next weekend. If you are aware of any
upcoming guild shows, please let Anita know.
Our guild currently has 60 members. 2 new members today were Deanna Giles and Michelle. 3
previous members rejoined.
Ava then discussed a Guild Challenge. She would encourage everyone to try something new.
Suggestions are a new method you haven’t done before, thread play, or search MQG website
for a quilt pattern. This should be FUN to participate in. Please make your project a size that
can be donated to one of our philanthropies – 36 x 36 would be a good suggested size.
Show and Share:
Amanda shared a slideshow of QuiltCon. There were over 2,000 quilt entries in the show;
500 were shown. All childrens’ quilts entered in QuiltCon are accepted.
Discussion of requirements to enter show:
• Picture of quilt
• Must be member of a Modern Quilt Guild
• Fee is approximately $20 per quilt entry
• Quilt must be made within three years of current QuiltCon
This led to discussion of what qualifies a quilt as MODERN. Some of the qualities named were:
• Solid colors
• Negative space
• Asymmetry
• Bold contrast
• Improv
• Utilitarian
It was recommended to follow the “Quilty Architect” for some inspiration with regard to
Modern Quilts. He is a full-time architect; some-time quilter.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, April 1, 2023. Starting at 10:00 a.m. we will have a Sew-In
(explained above); bring lunch and then following our guild meeting will run from 1-3 pm at St.Giles Church, 1021 Hudson Road, Greenville, SC. For our program we will have guest speakers
representing the two philanthropies we support.
Dawn Holter, Secretary