Thanks again to the Modern Quilt Guild for the use of their Zoom account. We have the first three months of 2021 reserved to continue meeting via Zoom. If you would like a recording of today's meeting, please contact or Dana Blasi at danabird57 @ within 14 days from the meeting date and we will email it to you.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 2, 2021, from 1 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Log on between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. to visit prior to the start of the meeting. Members will receive an email notice containing the Zoom meeting code and password prior to the meeting.
Our outgoing president, Dagmar Theodore, expressed her thanks to GMQG for the experience of being president for the year. She was happy to lend her support to the guild during what has proven to be an unsettling, topsy-turvy year. Her wishes that we are able to meet again in person soon for the fellowship was seconded by everyone. She thanked everyone for making it easy for her and wishes our incoming 2021 president, Brooke Stambersky, and new Board members the best of luck! Dagmar will continue to serve in 2021 as our new Outside Speaker Coordinator.
Special Mention: As Faye Jones steps down from Programs Chair after carrying the mantle for several years, the GMQG wants to extend its most heartfelt thanks to her for bringing and organizing such a great variety of interesting and informative presentations to our group. Faye herself wishes to thank the many members who have generously stepped up and shared their wealth of knowledge, some more than once, with the guild. Faye pointed out the members have a lot to offer and says don't be afraid to come forward to share what you know. Member-given programs are equally as, if not more, important as those of high-priced experts because it can be more meaningful for us to learn something from someone we know, and to whom we can come later with questions. Faye will continue to serve as Philanthropy Chairperson.
We also want to give a big thank you to Cheryl Brickey, who is stepping down as Outside Speaker Coordinator, for her dedication to bringing outstanding national speakers to us for the past two years (not to mention giving her own many program presentations) and who stood as president years prior. With so much to offer, we look forward to her continued teaching talents.
Sarah Snyder is stepping down as Membership Chair and Emily Pitman is stepping down as Co-Secretary. Many thanks to these two ladies for their work and devotion to the guild. We were most fortunate to have them on the 2020 Board.
PROGRAM: MYSTERY ELF SWAP - Please go to the Quilt Quark Gallery to see the Elf gifts!
In lieu of our annual Holiday Lottery Auction party, several member elves signed up to create something lovely to gift to another elf in the Elf Swap organized by Faye Jones.
> Faye made a 20” x 20” modern minimalist, paper-pieced depiction of the
Three Wise Men on a navy-blue Kona cotton background of her own design for Valorie. Faye left it unquilted to give Valorie the
choice of quilting it herself or having Faye do so. Valorie happily accepted the challenge!
would like to thank Cynthia Steward for a year’s worth of superb blocks based
on her chosen theme of Modern Quilting Influencers accompanied by thorough, easy-to-understand
instructions. Each month was as
informative as the last as she introduced creative modern blocks from a variety
of nationally known quilters.
year we are going to take turns each month doing a block. We have 3 months covered so far and need
eight more volunteers to take on one or two blocks. While we loved her presentations, don’t let Cynthia’s technical prowess
intimidate you! Think of it as a small
show and share, no special effects required.
Email incoming president Brooke Stambersky at brooke.stambersky @
or incoming 2021 VP of Programs, Rita Sassone at ritajimenez04 @ to
currently have 80 members and welcomed 19 members to our meeting this month.
forward annual dues of $50 to Treasurer Cindy Lange. You will find her postal address in the GMQG
Directory and/or you may reach her at Lange.Cindy @
What do you get as a GMQG member? Access to all our monthly programs, annual national speaker and workshop (2021 may see two), local workshops, Block of the Month patterns, Spring Retreat, Sew-ins, and quilt challenges are just a few of the things you will find at the GMQG. Part of your payment goes to the Modern Quilt Guild giving you access to new monthly patterns, national quilt challenges, free webinars, Zoom, and as Leigh Ann once said, “all sorts of modern quilty goodness!”
Faye delivered twelve quilts to Pendleton Place for the Julie Valentine Center. We are out of small quilts and have two or three twin size remaining. Pendleton Place homes ten teenage girls at a time and Faye will be asking them if they would like to have the twins and what their needs are. Faye also plans to start an art program there and we look forward to hearing more about it.
We can use more small "comfy" quilts in the 40"/45" range (usually one fabric width works well) up to 55"/60" but there are no restrictions on sizes. If you enjoy doing one part of a quilt but not another (top vs. quilting vs. binding), we can find people to do the part you don't like to do! Just contact Faye at birdie1345 @
Thanks to those of you who sent in your quilts to to share.
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Improv Amish Diamond in the Square - Cindy Lange 63" x 63" |
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Back of Improv Amish Diamond in the Square |
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Aqua Velva by Cynthia Steward 52" x 60" |
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Back of Aqua Velva |
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Pat Davies' 2-Sided Table Runner |
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Back of 2-sided Table Runner |
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Quilting Detail of Table Runner |
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Table Runner on Display |
SEW-IN: We anticipate the next
Sew-in to be held in February 2021. Further
updates will be forthcoming.
Bend Retreats is going to open up registration in April 2021 for the next retreat
to occur in 2022. For further information,
contact past attendees Faye Jones at birdie1345 @ or Rita Sassone at ritajimenez
@ and/or go to geesbendquiltingretreats dot com and sign up to be
notified. We are told it fills up fast.
The GMQG has a
Facebook page (greenvillemodernquiltguildbulletinboard) for those members who would
like to share photos, links, and info.
No official business will be conducted there since not everyone
subscribes to FB.
Check out the GMQG Instagram account at @greenvillemqg (#greenvillemqg).
The Modern Quilt Guild website has a plethora of free webinars and patterns available to all its members. For information on its current challenges go to themodernquiltguild dot com.
Skillshare dot com has a myriad of inexpensive classes to take.
If members come across a link or other information they would like to share, they may forward it to incoming 2021 President Brooke Stambersky at brooke.stambersky @ to be shared at the next meeting.