Monday, November 30, 2015

December Luncheon

Instead of holding a normal monthly meeting in December, we will be getting together for the first annual:

Greenville Modern Quilt Guild December Luncheon

Who: Everyone in our guild (members are paying for their own lunches)

When: Saturday, December 12th at noon

Where: On the Border 
     Address: 74 Beacon Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
     Phone:(864) 214-2260

To get a somewhat decent headcount, please hop over to Survey Monkey and fill out the survey.

See you then!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

New website address :)

We have a new website address!

We have purchased the website address above so we now have a shorter and easier to remember website address.

Do you need to change links or do anything?

Not at all.  If you type in you will automatically be taken to the new website address.

Blogger is still hosting the blog so absolutely nothing (other than the website address) is changing, no need to re-bookmark or re-sign up for e-mails.

November Meeting Recap

Location: Bernina Store

President Cheryl Brickey called the November 14, 2015 meeting to order shortly after 1 pm and welcomed everyone. 17 members and 3 guests were in attendance.


Upcoming Meetings
  • December 12th @ On the Border 12-1:30pm - Year end luncheon (each member pays for their own lunch).
  • January 9th @ Bernina 1-3 pm: Program TBD
  • February 13th @ Bernina 10 am - 3pm: Workshop by Lynne Harrill on curved piecing.

Mystery Quilt

November's instructions were for Half Square Triangles and Block Assembly Part 1.  Instructions are also available on the Meadow Mist Designs blog and there is an active Facebook group for the quilt-a-long. 


A lap-size quilt will be auctioned at a silent auction at a December 2nd fundraiser for the Meyer Center. The blocks from the Block of the Month program will be given out to members in January who wish to sew them into charity quilts.

Block of the Month

Lucy will be starting up the Block of the Month program again in January.  She has some great blocks lined up!


  • Total membership is now up to 35!
  • We are an official chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild.  Please take a few minutes to log onto the MQG website and fill out your profile.  Please contact Cheryl or Paige if you have any troubles.
  • We had elections and have elected the following for the 2016 year:
    • Cheryl Brickey - President
    • Faye Jones - Vice President
    • Paige Alexander - Treasurer
    • Marcie Snyder - Secretary
    • Adjunct Board Members - Marilyn Hagopian, Darlene Sanford, Cindy Lammon

Show and Share

We had a huge number of wonderful show and shares this month.  We also had a few people bring in quilt tops for discussion of how to quilt them.


Program - Longarm Quilting and Planning for 2016

Thank you so much to Leslie and the Bernina Sewing Center for showing and letting everyone try the new Bernina longarm and midarm!  Remember members, Bernina offers rental time on the longarm and midarm so that you can quilt your own quilts quickly and easily, contact Bernina for training classes.

We also discussed possible 2016 programs as a group and came up with a great list of possible programs.  We will be working to firm up the program schedule within the next few weeks.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 3pm.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Reminder - Meeting this Saturday (Nov. 14th)

Just a reminder about the upcoming meeting this Saturday...

When: Saturday, November 14th from 1-3pm

Where: The Bernina Sewing Center

2310-A East North St.
Greenville, SC 29609

Program:  Tour and Test Drive of the Bernina longarm and midarm sewing machines and 2016 planning.

Remember to bring:
  • Show and Shares 
  • Ideas for what you want to learn and do as a guild in 2016
See you this Saturday!