Date: Saturday, August 6, 2022
Time: : 1 PM – 3PM
Location: Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd. Greenville SC
Agenda for Meeting
- President Sandy Helsel opening comments
- VPs: Darlene Sanford Reporting
Unfortunately Lewis Carl is unable to present his program August 6. However he will be our speaker for September 2.
The Challenge is being moved to October.
August 6 - Veronica Moriarty
September 3 - Lewis Carl – 5 Principles of Composition
October 1 - – Challenge plus sew-along for QuiltCon project
November 5 - Sylvia Schaefer – Designing with Negative Space
December 3 - Holiday Lunch
Due to schedule change the reveal will now be in October. Size should be approximately 36 x 36 or smaller. Use orphan block(s) or make a simple block (4 patch, log cabin). Cut the block(s) at least 3 times then rearrange into an improv quilt.
The quilts will be judged by our own members and there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
· Treasurer’s report: Cindy Lange
· Membership: Jill Erickson
· Philanthropy: Faye Jones
Great news!!!! We have located a local charity serving Ukrainian refugees. Now our donated quilts will be distributed directly to Ukrainians fleeing the war. Many families are arriving in the Greenville/Spartanburg area and need household goods as well as support services. Mary and Martha Services in Spartanburg has been working with Ukrainian immigrants for the past 5 years and now also minister to these refugees. The Greenville Woodworking Guild is making 15 sets of bunk beds and have procured donated mattresses for the children. I have sent 9 quilts made and donated by our guild and hope to have more donations in the future. My contact, Marcia, assures me that all our quilts will go exclusively to the refugees. She said the staff at Mary and Martha Services is elated to have beautiful handmade quilts for adults and children. There is no size specification and gently used quilts are welcome! As the philanthropy committee (me) has a budget, I think a $100 donation towards the purchase of linens for the bunk beds would please our members. For those who wish to do so, juvenile pillowcases make up quickly and would be very useful for these kids.
We will not be mailing quilts to Wrap Ukraine in Quilts now that we have a local donation site. Questions, suggestions or concerns, contact me via phone or email. As always, thank you for your generosity. Faye Jones
- Library: Ruth Freyer
- Block of the Month: Valorie Kasten – and information on the sew-along during the Challenge meeting in October
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Program: Veronica Moriarty got a boost in her goals when her quilt was selected for the International Quilt Festival in Houston. The quilt she selected to enter in the festival is large and colorful with different designs in each block. She worked on the project a little at a time over the past two years. Her quilt was one of more than 800 submitted and about 325 selected. Moriarty, a clinical pharmacist at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center, started quilting more than 19 years ago.