We enjoyed a lecture and mini trunk show on Friday evening, followed by a workshop on Saturday. Twenty of our members participated in a fun, relaxed and inspirational class on making Yvonne's Triangle Transparency pattern.
We not only enjoyed the pleasure of sewing together, but found inspiration in each person's fabric choices and interpretation of the design. Some of the highlights of the weekend in pictures:
- In case you missed it, this month's announcements can be found in the previous post.
2019 Survey
- If you haven't completed a survey yet, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to do so. Your input will be a valuable tool in planning programs and activities for next year.
- GMQG 2019 Survey
November meeting
- Our speaker will be Mitzi Schafer from Jittery Wings.
Hope you can join us for our next meeting on November 10, 2018 from 1-3 pm at: