Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lunch for February 13th Workshop

Because our workshop / meeting this February 13th (10am - 3pm) will extend over lunchtime we have some food options for you.  You are welcome to bring your lunch, go out for lunch, or participate in our organized lunch.

Faye has worked with Two Chefs for the following lunch option, "I have arranged for each of you who wish lunch from TWO CHEFS on the day our meeting on Saturday Feb 13th to PRE-ORDER. I will pick up the lunches that morning."

How to order:

Go to Two Chefs website:  Home | Two Chefs Deli

Pick anything on the menu (though as Faye is going to pick these up in the morning I would not pick a hot option).

Call the Two Chefs Eastside Location 864-284-9970 with your order.  ALL orders must be in BEFORE 4PM on Thursday the 11th.  Inform the server that your order is for the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild list and pay with your credit card.
Any questions?  Leave a comment below or e-mail Faye at birdie1345 (at) aol (dot) com

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Upcoming in February -Curves Workshop Supplies List

Sewing Gentle Curves Class by Lynne G. Harrill

When: Saturday, February 13th, 2016 from 10am - 3pm
Where:  Bernina Store
There will be an option for lunch, more details to come.

You can find the pdf about the class with all of the supply list information in an easy to print format here.

What to Bring: 

  • Sewing Machine with basic sewing supplies 
  • Rotary cutter and ruler 
  • Cutting Mat (min. size 18” x 24”) 
  • 8 Fat Quarters or scraps (see options below)

Optional, but highly recommended is a straight stitch foot — no. 13 for the older Bernina’s. Otherwise, a quarter inch foot works well or select a foot with the most narrow profile that you have. 

Fabric Suggestions

Option 1

  • Bring four fat quarters in one color family ranging from pale to dark. They may be solids or prints, just make sure the prints read like a solid.
  • Bring four fat quarters in a second color family in a range from pale to dark. Make sure the two families contrast well. Or you could substitute one color such as white or gray for the second family, in which case you would only need a half yard of that color. 

Option 2 You may also choose to merely practice on scraps. In this case bring strips that are between 1½” and 3” wide. The length can vary from 3” to 18” long.


Option 1: We will be sewing a log cabin block that starts with a rectangle and has slightly curvy seams, which will look something like this.

Then we will cut it down the center and exchange the left side for the right side. If you cut it longwise, it will look something like this.

However, you may decide to cut it crosswise or even into quarters. Finally, we will sew the sections together. One way is to sew a strip between the two halves and on top and bottom. Your finished project will look like this.

However, this is only one way. You can be creative on how you join your sections, especially if you have cut your block into quarters.

Option 2: This method is better suited to solid color fabrics and is much more free form. We will practice sewing strips together and then we will use those practice pieces to make blocks that range in size from 4” to 8” on a side. Eventually, after making six to twelve blocks you will decide you have enough, at which point you will sew them together.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January Program Highlights

What a great way to start 2016!!! Thank you all for coming and participating. And, a special thank you to Bernina Sewing Center for providing the perfect meeting location. 

We covered a lot of information on Saturday so here are the highlights:

Brand Your Name:

Make Your GMQG Name Tag for February’s competition – Marilyn Hagopian stipulated only three criteria for our name tag:  1) use fabric, 2) our first name and 3) creativity….she presented some examples, but emphasized, tags can be any shape, size, color and embellished with buttons, embroidery, appliqué, stamps, markers, etc.  Prizes for favorite name tag will be given out.  We hope you will join in and bring on your CREATIVITY.

GMQG logo re-design competition – Cheryl Brickey invited each of us to participate in bringing your ideas for a new logo design to our organization. Your idea can be hand-drawn.  All entry submissions will be presented in March to GMQG and voted on.  The prize to the winning entry will be fabric.

Show & Share

What a GREAT way to begin the year…..we had a “spectacular” showing of quilts and sewing projects. Thank you to our participants (names are listed in order of the showing) Marilyn Hagopian, Nancy deJong, Paige Alexander, Cindy Lammon, Valerie Kasten, Cheryl Brickey, Carol Kreson and Patrice Ray: 


Block of the Month  challenge is called Woven.  Lucy Daniel’s main criteria for this block are using 100% cotton fabrics (pre-washed) that are solid colors with the main background color being white.  Thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing your block in February.

Note: Darleen Sanford is coordinating quilt volunteers for the completed Block of the Months in 2015 that will be donated on behalf of GMQG. Thank you volunteers and we look forward to seeing your projects at Show & Share in the month’s ahead.

Meyer’s Center for Special Children -2015 GMQG Philanthropy Quilt by Cheryl Brickey sold at their silent auction for $250. We appreciate Cheryl for her generous donation on behalf of GMQG. Darleen Sanford will be coordinating us to make a group quilt for their 2016 auction in November….more information will be forthcoming.

Additional Mentions

Annual membership dues are $35. If you are interested in joining for 2016, February is not too late. You can pay by cash or check written to Greenville Modern Quilt Guild.

Monica Stegall has volunteered to transform the March winning GMQG logo design into a digital graphic design to be used for the website and more.  How awesome is that!!!!

Faye Jones “Silk Batik Scarf Workshop” – (more details forthcoming)

If interested in Singer Featherweight maintenance classes contact GMQG.

Upcoming Quilt Shows & Events

Meadow Mist Designs – January 18 begins Cheryl Brickey’s series called “Pattern Writing Blog”

Hyacinth Quilt Designs- Start now with Cindy Lammon in making the quilt pattern “Outline Plus” by Cheryl Brickey.  Cindy has fantastic step by step photos and instructions.

Bernina Sewing Center – January 15 GMQG is invited to Farm Girl Friday 6-9 pm.  We will be making one of the quilt squares from the book by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet called Farm Girl Vintage. Then, each month in 2016 another quilt square from this whimsical quilt pattern will be made.  Contact the store at 864.235.5031 for cost (which will include the materials for the session) or visit Leslie White’s upcoming new website for additional details.

Mystery Quilt – For those participating in Cheryl Brickey’s mystery quilt “Midnight Mystery” completion due date is coming up in March. The BIG reveal is March 10th.

Gaffney South Carolina Visitor Center & Art Gallery will have Fiber Friends Art Exhibition January 14 -26. It is FREE to the public.  Our GMQG, Christine Wilde, will have her fiberwork on display.

Fabric Editions, Inc. - $1/Yard Three Hour Fabric Sale on January 29 from 9 a.m. – Noon at 700 Executive Center Drive #201, Greenville, SC 29615. Cash or Checks only

QuiltCon West  - February 18 – 21 in Pasadena, CA . Cheryl Brickey and Paige Alexander each have quilts that will be shown in the quilt show.

Bernina Sewing Center – February 19 GMQG is invited to Farm Girl Friday 6-9 pm. 

Cobblestone Quilters Guild 2016 Quilt Show – March 4 & 5th in Mt. Pleasant, SC
Note: Deadlines to register quilts is January 14th

Foothills Piece Makers Quilt Guild – April 9 & 10 in Greenville, SC

Next Meeting: February 13th:
Name Tag competition 
Lynne Harrill Workshop on Curved Piecing from 10 – 3pm (more detail forthcoming)
GMQG vote to change the bi-laws so that our membership dues collection happens before we pay the yearly due to MQG.

Monday, January 4, 2016

GMQG 2016 Kick-Off

Come join us this Saturday for a New Year of Quilt sharing, discovering and learning. 

When:        January 9, 2016

Where:       Bernina Sewing Center                      
                   2310 E. North St., Greenville, SC 29609

Time:         1:00 – 3:00pm

Program:   “Brand your Name”
                         -The Name Tag challenge
                         -Discuss & invite participation in GMQG logo design

Reminders:      Bring your Show & Share

Also, for our members and those who want to join, just a reminder that it’s time to pay our annual 2016 dues. The fee is $35 and can be paid in cash or check made out to the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild.