Silk Batik Scarf Workshop by Faye Jones
Date: Saturday October 17,2015
Times: 3 time slots: 10-12, 1-3, 3-5 (4 people per time slot)
Where: Faye Jones, 55 Flintwood Dr., Simpsonville
Cost: $15 (payable directly to Faye) for supplies (scarf, shipping, dyes, supplies etc.) (You can pay at the September meeting or by mail)
To register, please email Faye at Birdie1345 (at) aol (dot) com and cc Cheryl at cheryljbrickey (at) gmail (dot) com
Please list your time request in order of preference.
Slots will be assigned in the order requests are received.
ie- #1- 3-5 #2- 1-3 #3 10-12
Faye will return your email with verification of your time.
If Faye cannot accommodate everyone who wishes to participate, Faye will schedule a 2nd day in November.
Unfortunately, this workshop will be limited to GMQG members only.
Faye will order the scarves, wash them in Synthrapol and soak them in citric acid in preparation for dyeing. You will dye the scarf, apply soy wax resist to create a pattern and then dye the scarf for a second time. A second resist and dye may be done if you wish and time permits. The scarf will then be wrapped in paper and microwaved to set the dye. After washing in Synthrapol and soaking in milsoft, the scarf will be ready to wear after drying. It will be colorfast and washable. An original
work of wearable art!!!!!!
Any questions or discussion, feel free to call Faye at 236-5787. Faye will be ordering the scarves on October 5th so you will need to sign up and pay before then.