Monday, February 15, 2016

February Program Highlights

Greenville Modern Quilt Guild had a fantastic workshop class at Bernina Sewing Center this past Saturday. 

We applaud our own, Lynne Harrill, for showing, sharing and teaching us how to incorporate Gentle Curve Piecing to our quilt sewing techniques.  She brought several of her own works to show us where she added this curve technique to the traditional Log Cabin design motif. It definitely adds that modern twist.  Thank you again, Lynne!

Lynne Harrill (left) shares her Gentle Curve quilt works 

Name Tag Design Challenge
Thank you to all who participated in our name tag challenge. As our group continues to grow, we definitely need name tags, so our first GMQG 2016 fun challenge by Marilyn Haopian in January was to do just that--design your own creative name tag.

Two words to describe our entries: Originality and Colorful. Leslie White, at Bernina, selected Paige Alexander as the challenge winner.  Plus, GMQG received our official MQG pins, to sport on the name tags..... How's that for perfect timing!

Entries for the Name Tag Contest and winner Paige Alexander (right)

Show & Share
Do I hear internet applause.....well, after you see this month's Show & Share, you'll see why we had a lot of applause going at our gathering.  Thank you to participants: Valerie Kasten (see her work in Philanthropy), Lynne Harrill, Didi Salvatierra, Faye Jones, Cindy Lammon, Cheryl Brickey, Paige Alexander, Johnnie McKenzie, Kira Dobbs, Tonya Morin and Fannie Wengerd.


February Block of the Month has been CHANGED from our meeting so please throw away the copy presented at the meeting. Our NEW block pattern is called Dancing Daisies Block. The link provided will show the pattern template to print from Moda Bake Original Recipe.  Fabrics to use are 100% cotton fabrics (pre-washed) that are a solid color (or read as a solid color) with the main background color being white.

Results from January Block of the Month - The photo showcases those who participated in the January Block. It's never ceases to amaze --nine ladies, nine squares and we have the foundation of our first philanthropy quilt for this year. If you missed our February meeting, it's not to late to bring your block in March.

In addition, Valerie Kasten (right), one of our quilting volunteers, completed a lap quilt with some of the quilt blocks made last year.  Thanks, Valerie!
Lastly, Darleen Sanford is coordinating this year's auction quilt for the  Meyer's Center for Special Children and is seeking your ideas for this project. Please submit your suggestions to Darleen in March.

FYI, Bernina Sewing Center is a donation center for Quilt pillow covers, Lap Quilts and Kennel Quilts.  For more information contact the store at 864.235.5031

Additional Mentions

Annual membership dues are $35. If you are interested in joining for 2016, please see Paige Alexander.  As of February 2016, we have 24 members.

For those who are members, Paige Alexander has your official MQG pin. Check-in with her in March.

Faye Jones "Silk Batik Scarf Workshop" dates are coming. She is planning to have one weekday and two weekends to choose from.

Valerie Kasten has volunteered to research for GMQG the costs to have our upcoming new logo customized for quilt labels....more to come.  Fantastic!

Upcoming Quilt Shows & Events


Hyacinth Quilt Designs- join Cindy Lammon in making the quilt pattern “Outline Plus” by Cheryl Brickey.  Cindy has fantastic step by step photos and instructions. If you submit nine (9) blocks of Outline Plus by February 17th, you could be a winner of one of several prizes.
QuiltCon West  - February 18 – 21 in Pasadena, CA . Cheryl Brickey and Paige Alexander each have quilts that will be shown in the quilt show.
Bernina Sewing Center – February 19 GMQG is invited to Farm Girl Friday 6-9 pm. Contact the store at 864.235.5031 for cost (which will include the materials for the session) or visit Leslie White’s upcoming new website for additional details.
Cobblestone Quilters Guild 2016 Quilt Show – March 4 & 5th in Mt. Pleasant, SC
Mystery Quilt – For those participating in Cheryl Brickey’s mystery quilt “Midnight Mystery” completion due date is coming up in March. The BIG reveal is March 10th with many prizes for completed quilts and quilt tops. Instructions are available on the Meadow Mist Designs blog and there is an active Facebook group for the quilt-a-long.


Foothills Piece Makers Quilt Guild – April 9 & 10 in Greenville, S
Artsfields - Art Festival and Competition - April 22-30 in Lake City, SC


March 12th at Bernina Sewing Center in Greenville, SC (1pm - 3pm)
Feature Program:  Quilting Creative Inspirations by Patricia Kilbry

Plus, GMQG re-design logo contest submissions are due. Your submissions can be hand drawn or computer drawn. We welcome all to participate. Monica Stegall has volunteered to transform our winning design into a digital graphic design to be used for the website and more. Your idea may just be the new brand look of GMQG.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Reminder - Meeting and Workshop this Saturday, Feb 13th

Just a reminder about the upcoming meeting/workshop this Saturday...

WhenSaturday, February 13th from 10 am -3 pm

Where: The Bernina Sewing Center

2310-A East North St.
Greenville, SC 29609

Program Sewing Gentle Curves Class by Lynne G. Harrill

  • We are still having a meeting at the beginning of the workshop (about 10-11am) so please bring your Show and Shares
  • For the workshop remember to bring: Sewing machine with basic sewing supplies, rotary cutter and ruler, cutting mat, 8 Fat Quarters or scraps.  More information about what to bring and information on the class can be found here.
  • Lunch:  Faye has organized a lunch through Two Chefs.  You need to call the restaurant and place your order no later than 4pm on Thursday Feb 11th.  More details about the lunch options and phone number to call can be found here.
  • Added:  Don't forget your new handmade name tags, there will be prizes :)
See you this Saturday!