Monday, March 13, 2017

Highlights from our March 2017 Meeting

Recap of MQG QuiltCon East 2017 in Savannah, GA 

First, we celebrated!!!!!

Greenville Modern Quilt Guild had two members receive awards on their quilt entries in this year's MQG QuiltCon in Savannah, GA. Our award winners are..........Paige Alexander and Cheryl Brickey. We congratulate you both and are so proud of your accomplishment.

Paige Alexander (left) and Cheryl Brickey (right) - QuiltCon 2017 Award winners
Leslie White and team at Bernina Sewing Center presented both Paige and Cheryl with "festive star balloons" and gifts to honor them.

Here are photos of their winning quilts:

Cheryl Brickey - 1st Place in the American Patchwork & Quilting Nine Patch Challenge entitled "Warp and Welt"
Cheryl Brickey- Warp and Welt won 1st Place in 9 Patch Challenge
Paige Alexander - 2nd Place in the Small Quilt category entitled "Cursive"

Paige Alexander - Cursive won 2nd Place in Small Quilts

Paige Alexander - 3rd Place in the American Patchwork & Quilting Nine Patch Challenge entitled "Mustard Stain"
Paige Alexander - Mustard Stain won 3rd Place in 9 Patch Challenge
And, we cannot forget our GMQG Charity Quilt. As you entered the hallway where the charity quilts were on display.....there it was right at the entrance.
GMQG Charity Quilt- +++  Positive Impact +++
It's fun to see it hanging there.....again, great work to all who contributed to this project. As mentioned, GMQG charity quilt will be donated to Habitat for Humanities in Greenville, SC. Thank you, Madeline Faner for volunteering to deliver it to them.

Check out all the winning quilts at QuiltCon East show here at Modern Quilt Guild 2017 Award Winners including Best in Show.  GMQG extends a huge "THANK YOU" to the Modern Quilt Guild Organization. We know you worked tirelessly and made it look effortless in bringing the scope of the show together. You hosted a mammoth event that we all here in Greenville, SC celebrate, appreciate and enjoyed.

Quilting Bee Dialog:

Our meeting this month was about our experiences at QuiltCon. As I listened to the various comments and feedback, it made me envision a quilting bee sitting together around a quilt in progress. We have come to know each other, so we could talk openly and candidly.  It was good to hear each others perspectives, likes and/or dislikes, ideas, inspirations....and more.

If I could summarize our talks, I would have to say GMQG is enthusiastic to continue to be a part of defining "modern" quilting. And, to further challenge ourselves in thought, design, technique and workmanship.

Additional items to note:
  • We had a good turnout this meeting. Paige Alexander reported a total of 31. We also had seven (7) new members to join GMQG -- "WELCOME" bringing our membership total to date at 58.
  • Did you know - MQG has quilting episodes called "Fresh Quilting" available on online. Check it out!
  • Door prizes are fun. We had nine (9) giveways this month that included various items like a MQG water bottle, books, fabric quarters, patterns and more. Congrats to the lucky winners.
  • March 27th, Leslie White wants you to join her at Bernina Sewing Center for cutting up fabric scraps with AccuQuilt cutter. To learn more contact the store at 864-235-5031.
  • Next month: bring a gift for the "gift basket" that Cindy mentioned for our special upcoming event
  • August Quilt Challenge announced!!!!! Here are the criteria for this year's prize-winning challenge:
    • Quilt size - not to exceed 36" on one side
    • Pattern name: Birds in the Air: . Note: the interpretation of this pattern is "open" to your imagination
    • Use at least three (3) of the 8 elements in modern quilt design listed below:
      • bright/graphic color palette
      • negative space
      • minimalism
      • no borders
      • improvisational piecing
      • alternate grid work
      • asymmetry
      • exaggerated scale

Upcoming GMQG Events:
  • Two (2) Ready, Set, Quilt classes with Johnny McKenzie are coming up for GMQG Members March 17th or 18th. The class session is free to members. The time for each class are 10:00am - Noon. Register at least five (5) days prior to the class date. For more information or to participate in the program contact Johnnie by email at
  • April 7-9th: Our guild is having a first retreat at the Wildfires Retreat Conference Center in North Carolina. The details of the event are here on our website.Thank you Sandy Helsel and Faye Jones for planning and coordinating this weekend away. It's not to late to sign up, invite a friend or participate in a carpool. For assistance, email Sandy at
  • May 12 & 13th -
    Michelle Wilkie - Modern Quilt Design
    Michelle Wilkie Workshop - Modern Quilt Design-Every Day Inspiration. Look for the workshop details on our website.  For the Friday night opener, Michelle will speak on "The Skill of Quilt Design" and on Saturday, she will lead a workshop entitled Modern Quilt Design-Every Day Inspiration. Please note: we only have six (6) workspaces remaining for the Saturday workshop. Members and non-member guests can sign-up. If interested in coming, please do not delay in contacting Dana Blasi at

Upcoming Outside Quilting Events:

Modern Skill Builder - Block of the Month

Good job to those who challenged themselves to Ellen's Snowball designed by Cath of Wombat Quilts
Block name: Ellen's Snowball

We had five(5) who submitted their take on this quilt block and I have to say they looked spectacular. We look forward to seeing the quilt made utilizing these blocks. It is going to be an eyecatcher!

What is the March Block Challenge?

It is entitled "X Marks the Improv" Their is a great step by step tutorial on the A Quilter's Table by Debbie Jeske
X Marks the Improv Block 

So here are the details and guidelines:

Block size: 9 1/2" x 18 1/2" unfinished (smaller than in the tutorial)

Skills this block builds: Slice and insert, improv piecing

Fabrics/Colors: Whites, grays, and blues in solids or blenders (think boy fabrics so no floral fabrics) with an optional pop of orange and/or yellow


We appreciate Faye Jones for keeping GMQG proactive for the cause in making cuddle/comfort quilts for children who have been removed from an abusive situation. And, now, as she mentioned (and received our show of hands in approval) to expand our reach to the Julie Valentine Center. This center works with both Women and Children in sexual assault cases. At a low moment in life, the beauty of a "comfort" quilt is a huge blessing in healing the human spirit.

Thank you to all who have generously given quilts to date AND thank you to many of you who brought quilts this past Saturday (see in Show & Share).

Show & Share

Elise Dunbar- Constellation pillow squares (left) & results from a Heather Jones workshop (right)

Michele Blake - her results from a Heather Jones workshop

Bonnie Cunningham (left) & Didi Salvatierra (right) - made table runners to be donated to Habitat for Humanity

Nicole McClelland - a baby quilt for her child's teacher 

Faye Jones - two children quilts for GMQG Charity

Faye Jones - goes tropical with Pineapple quilt square

Cheryl Brickey - children's quilt for GMQG Charity using Bonnie & Camille fabrics

Madeline Faner- beautiful quilted wall hanging (left) and children Clemson Tiger quilt for GMQG Charity

Valorie Kasten- her Quiltcon swap mini quilt she received from a quilter in Mexico City

Paige Alexander - discussing how she made her shirt

Debbie Graves -fabric recommendation by Hoffman

Marilyn Hagopian- recommending WALK by Jacquie Gering (machine quilting with a walking foot) 

Ruth Freyer - race car children's quilt for GMQG charity

Cindy Lammon - two quilts for GMQG charity

Cindy Lammon - Quilt with fabrics from Rifle Paper Co as well as Cotton & Steel
Next Month:

Please note a change in our next meeting. It will be on the 3rd Saturday, April 15th.....and we will have a full agenda that includes:
  • First of all ---Blow the trumpet, please --- it's "Block Recycle Challenge" unveiling!!!! This is going to be so much fun seeing how each of you transformed an unfinished, packed away and/or unloved quilt square that was brought in by one of you.  As you know, Faye Jone's theory and challenge to us was a hidden away quilt square could be the inspiration to another. Our goal is to prove her right next month. Faye will present prizes to the winners.
  • We also will have opportunity to hear about the retreat at Wildacres
  • Last but not least, Cindy Lammon and Faye Jones will present a lecture on "Copyright in Quilting"
You do not want to miss, so Save the Date now for April 15th and join us from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at:

2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607


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