Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Greenville Modern Quilt Guild November Meeting Highlights


Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022

Time: : 10:00 AM –11:30  Meeting followed by Workshop 12:30 PM -3-PM

  • President Sandy Helsel – Called the meeting to order. There was a correction to last month’s minutes for the spelling  of  Barbara Stroup last name.
  • Before the slate of new officers and committee chairs for 2023 were reviewed, a vote was taken to see the interest in providing a GMQG retreat for next year. A show of hands indicated only 5 members were interested at this time. A minimum of  12 members is required, it was therefore, decided to wait until after the new year to pursue further investigation. 
  • Slate of officers and committee chairs for 2023

Dagmar Theodore presented the slate

President – still open 

Co-Vice Presidents and  Programing:  Amanda Stegen, Anita Wilbur, Barbara Stroup

Secretary – Dawn Holter with Dana Blasi on Photography

Treasurer – Ava Moore

Membership – Jill Erickson will continue to serve


Philanthropy – Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange

Library – Ruth Freyer will continue to serve

Social Media – Dagmar Theodore will continue to serve

Retreat – Dana Blasi and Faye Jones

Holiday Lunch and Lottery Auction – Jackie Callis, Dana Blasi, and Jill Erickson to help


Before the election was voted upon, Faye Jones spoke regarding that our past officers and chair members have served on the Board in various capacities for at least 4 to 10 years and it is time newer members to step up with fresh ideas and contributions.

Dagmar took the vote and slate was accepted for 2023.


  • Christmas Party Fundraiser Chair: Jill Erickson – Our next meeting is the Christmas Party on Dec.3 starting at 10:30 for committee members and 12 noon balance of guild members. Fundraiser. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door if you have not already purchased them at the Nov. meeting. Donations for the items being raffled should be sewing related. Luncheon will be served. Jill is taking reservation, so if you did not signup at the November meeting, please email Jill: ericksf@bellsouth.net  to place your name on the list, no later than Nov. 25th. She needs a head count to provide for the luncheon.  Additional  information will come in the Meeting Reminder.


  • Philanthropy: Faye Jones - with the change of leadership, there are 12 quilts to drop off by the new committee that Faye will accompany for delivery. Faye thanked everyone for all the charity quilts this last year,
  • Library: Ruth Freyer There will be a return basket for all outstanding library books at the December meeting; please bring any outstanding books you may have.
  • QuiltCon Charity Quilt: Valorie Kasten. Valorie has completed the top for the Feb. QuiltCon Charity Quilt and hopefully will be quilted by December.

  • Programs for next year: Barbara Stroup who will be one of the people planning programs for next year, has provided a signup sheet for suggestion on programs. It was at the November meeting and will be provided at the December as well..

Jill Erickson provided information for charity work to the Nurse Family Partnership Organization that some of our charity contributions support.

Nurse-Family Partnership empowers first-time moms to transform their lives and create better futures for themselves and their babies. Nurse-Family Partnership works by having specially educated nurses regularly visit young, first-time moms-to-be, starting early in the pregnancy and continuing through the child’s second birthday. This is a non-profit organization that provides network partners across the country that provides the information, support and specialized education they need to properly implement Nurse-Family Partnership and produce the same successful results that have made the program a national model. More information can be found  at www.nursefamilypartnership.org


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Our Program: Speaker was Sylvia Schaefer followed by a workshop on “Designing with Negative Space”. 


Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Callis and Sandy Helsel

Subbing for Marilyn Hagopian, Secretary



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