Meeting Date: February 1, 2025
Minutes: Greenville Modern Quilt Guild
The February Meeting was opened with a Welcome by President, Dawn Bianco. She reminded everyone to check in with Teresa (Membership) both to record their attendance and claim their new GMQG Membership Card.
Board Meetings: Dawn Bianco
Meetings are open to all. At each membership meeting Dawn will also provide an update of any discussions and decisions made by the board. Ideas and opinions are welcome, as are items to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. 5 days notice is preferred to get on the agenda, and may be sent to Dawn at
Each board member now has an email attached to their board job title, which will be used for all guild related communications. When board members change a simple change of the password and the new board member will be ready to begin a new year in Google Work Space where all documents will be historically available.
Board Emails are:
Dawn Bianco -
Michelle Giles -
Dawn Holter -
Teresa Melonson -
Alexa Harper -
Cindy Brothers -
Other Important Contacts: (Refer to the active membership list)
Duski Coleman - Philanthropy
Donna Boylan - Librarian
The 2025 Budget was reviewed and approved. Our December luncheon netted $1,026 which will be used for Programs. Thank you to Carrie and Julie for heading up the luncheon. A total of $2,050 was approved for all programming this year, Note: If you would like to receive a copy of the budget, please email Dawn Holter at:
Committee Reports:
Membership: Teresa Melonson
All members were reminded to pick up their new membership card at check in. New members Corey Bredderman, Coleen Barnes, Brenda Bridges, Laura B., and Diana Pickens were introduced and shared quilts to introduce themselves.
Philanthropy: Duski Coleman was not in attendance, so Dawn Bianco reported that our current charities are not in need of quilts at this time. If you know of an organization or partner for the short term, please let Duski know. She is also in need of a partner to work with her on Philanthropy for the guild.
Diane Kent shared information regarding a project offering encouragement and support of female veterans by giving them a patriot themed bear. The maker is in need of batting scraps (any size) and patriotic fabric (1/2 yard makes a bear). A flyer is attached to these minutes. Please bring scraps to the March meeting and Diane will get them to Susan. Click on photo below for more information.
Michelle pointed out the Free Table available at the meeting. Those who brought things were asked to take back anything left, or 2 members offered to take the items to ReCraft for donation.
Crayon Challenge is due in April. Crayons drawn were for 3 colors. You may add one.
Fat Quarter for March is Green or primarily green.
March program is The Quilts of the Underground Railroad.
April - Book Report / Project - Choose a book that you have made a project from and share both the book and the project.
May- Make and Take Projects - Sign up for one of three. The examples will be shown again at the March meeting. (Standing Tool Holder, Clickit Bag and Slow Stitching).
Faye Jones shared that Scott Murkin is judging the Fayetteville NC quilt show in June. Our guild is encouraged to enter quilts. Faye will take your quilt, and bring it back. Entering will get you the judges tips to improve your craft.
Brenda Bridges shared a small vacuum that she recommended.
Members participated in Show and Share (which can be seen on our Facebook page).
David Melonson presented the program on General Sewing Machine Maintenance giving us tips to keep machines in good working order. See Teresa Melonson for a business card if you need David’s help servicing your machine.
The Fat Quarter drawing for February’s Red collection was won by Nancy Schlepphorst.
General Announcements:
- Upcountry History Museum Exhibit:
- 50 quilts are on display in this exhibit.
- Busy Bees Quilt Show: March 7 and 8, 2025.
- Landrum Quilt Show: March 13 - 15 Admission is $6.
- Landrum Quilters are opening up a program with National Speaker / Quilt Con Award Winner, Charles Cameron on April 10. Following on April 11, he will present a 4 hour workshop entitled Crooked Crosses / Bent Boxes. If interested contact Susie Manning at to be placed on the wait list.
- Quilters of South Carolina - Spring Meeting is March 15, with classes available on March 14 and 16. For information on featured speaker and other details:
- Road2Virginia Quilt Show: The show is coming to the East Coast June 26 - 28, 2025. Registration for classes will open February 5, 2025 at 10 a.m. Learn more at:
- Sew Days have been organized by Alexa and Renee at Marietta’s Quilt and Sew on February 8 and March 29 from 10 am to 3 pm. Iron and cutting table provided, bring your own project. There is also a Sip and Sew at Southern Growl in Greer on Saturday, February 15th from 11 am to 1 pm. Hand stitching projects only, no space for machines.
- Mark your calendar for March 1, 2025 for the next meeting of Greenville Modern Quilt Guild.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
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