Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October Guild Meeting

 President's Announcements

The December Guild Holiday Lunch will be at St. Giles on December 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Holiday Lunch committee will provide more information on donations and activities at the November meeting.

Volunteers for the 2022 Board and Committee Chairs are requested to send their names to the guild email address. Members will vote for the positions at the November meeting. The following positions are available. If anyone would like more information on the responsibilities of any of these positions, please email the Guild or speak with a current Board member.

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Membership Chair

Committee Chair
1. Retreat Chair
2. Library Chair
3. Outside speaker coordinator
4. Block of the month coordinator

Dues for 2022 must be paid by mid-January of 2022 to ensure access to the Modern Quilt Guild website as soon as possible in 2022.

The Debbie Grifka workshops will be opened up to other local Guilds at the end of the week of October 4th. The meeting/lecture called Lines to Design will be Friday, November 5th from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at St. Giles. Debbie will present a slideshow and display some of her quilts. 

On Saturday, Nov 6, there will be two workshops:

Every Day Creativity: 9:a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Kick your creativity into high gear with Every Day Creativity!  Debbie will talk about her 2017 and 2018 100 Day projects, how she set herself up for success and what she learned along the way.  Attendees will work on a postcard project and a 10″ mini quilt and leave with strategies that can be used to create every day.  ($4 kit fee payable in class). Class Fee: $35

Improv Appliqué Workshop: 1 p.m.-4 p.m. 

Discover how fast and fun improv appliqué can be!  Attendees will use fusible web to design a quilt and explore different ways to stitch it down.  This no-stress technique lets creativity run free!  Class Fee: $35 

Signup by sending an email to greenvillemqg@gmail.com. You will receive a PayPal invoice or you can pay by check. Just let us know which you prefer.

Charity Quilts

More than 20 beautiful quilts will be delivered to comfort children in need this month. A heartfelt thanks to all members who donated for their generosity. To learn ore about our Quilts for Kids program, check out About Our Guild on this blog.

October Quilt Challenge

Members were challenged to create a quilt no smaller than 16"x16" and no larger than 20"x20" in the spirit of Maria Shell and the Gee's Bend quilters. 

The Judges' Choice award was presented to Cindy Kaiser for her quilt which she said she began piecing at the Maria Shell workshop.

The Viewers' Choice award was a tie between Cindy Kaiser's quilt and the following quilt created by Christina Strickland.

The judges and viewers alike enjoyed all the entries for their unique treatments of the challenge criteria. The following quilts were submitted by Sandy Helsel (left) and Valorie Kasten (right).

Show and Share

Thanks to the following members who shared some of their recent quilt projects: Jackie Callis, Linda Cassell, Faye Jones, Jill Erickson, Cindy Lange, and Johnnie McKenzie.

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