Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Upcoming Meeting July 10, 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Unfortunately, Katie Lewis cannot attend our meeting on Saturday due to a family illness.  We are keeping her in our thoughts and prayers.  

Subsequently, we will be doing the entire meeting virtually through Zoom and not meeting at St. Giles.  Zoom access starts at 12:50 p.m. with the meeting beginning promptly at 1:00 p.m.  If you are not a member and would like to join or attend the meeting, please contact us at greenvillemqg@gmail.com. 

Katie's replacement will be Janelle Schwartz of Dotty & Grace.  Janelle Schwartz is the quilter and pattern designer behind Dotty & Grace. She loves to explore different quilting techniques and inspire others as a sewing and quilting teacher. Her love of quilting started just over 10 years ago when she made her first quilt stitched with fabrics she had collected as souvenirs from a trip to Japan. Janelle loves to explore new creative techniques and incorporate these into her quilt creations.  Janelle's programs and workshops are full of inspiration. Through the demonstration, samples and interaction, the format is fun and informative for all levels of quilters.
Janelle Schwartz, dottyandgrace.com


1. President updates
2. Sew-in/Retreat 
3. Show & Share
4. Guest Speaker - Janelle Schwartz

Stay in touch:  

GMQG Gmail:        greenvillemqg@gmail.com        

GMQG Instagram:  @greenvillemqg (#greenvillemqg)

GMQG Website:     greenvillemodernquiltguild.com 

GMQG Facebook:   Private - Greenville Modern Quilt Guild Members Only Group

                            Public Page- Greenville Modern Quilt Guild

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