Improv Piecing Workshop
Improvisational Piecing can be a freeing, no rules method of creating beautiful modern quilts. A group of enthusiastic members enjoyed a workshop with our own, Didi Salvatierra, this Saturday after our regular business meeting. Amid piles of colorful fabrics and scraps, machines were buzzing as we created some unique pieced fabrics.
Didi taught us that "the possibilities are endless"!
Visit Didi's website at:
We welcomed 25 members and 2 guests at this month's meeting!
- Congrats to our members who won ribbons at the Foothills Piecemakers 2018 Quilt Show: Carol Alperin, Johellen George, Dagmar Theodore, Darlene Sanford, Cheryl Brickey, Sarah Wannamaker, and Rita Sanssone.
Retreat Wrap-up:
- Thank you to Sandy Helsel and Faye Jones for organizing this year's retreat.
- The retreat capacity will be capped at 24 and the hope is to expand the stay to 3 nights in 2019.
- The optional project this year was a journal cover and we saw several of them in our Show and Share this month. If you're inspired to make your own, you'll find these free tutorials helpful:
Shop News:
- 2018 Quilter's Planners are 50% off.
- Be sure to check out the new classes on Fabric Collage.
- Classes on making children's clothing coming this summer.
Membership News:
- Reminder that Member Directories are now available from Nancy de Jong.
Upcoming Events:
- NC Quilt Symposium is May 31, June 1-3 at UNC Asheville.
- Quilters of SC will have a quilt exhibit at the Columbia Quilt Expo on July 20-21. We encourage our members to enter a quilt. Registration guidelines and forms can be found on the QSC website, Please note registration forms must be post marked between June 11 and June 14.
- The Asheville Quilt Guild is hosting Grace Errea for a 2 day workshop on Impressionist Appliqué. The workshop will be held June 20-21, and you need not be a member to attend. More information can be found here.
- Our next Sew-In is June 15 from 2-10 p.m. at the Bernina Store. (Note corrected date!)
Journey of Quilters:
- Members are invited to join us on Friday, May 25 at 1:30 p.m., as we host an event for a Quilter's Tour Group at the Bernina Store. It should be a fun afternoon with Show and Share, demos and refreshments. No need to register!
Upcoming Meetings:
- June 9 - Trunk Show featuring 2 of our own members.
- July 14 - Round Robin
- August 11 - Guild Challenge reveal.
- Faye Jones announced that we have received a donation of fabric from the family of a local quilter who has recently passed away. Please feel free to take any of the fabric to use in your charity projects.
Block of the Month:
- This month's block is the Dimensional Bow Tie.
- Follow the link for the tutorial. Starting with 2 1/2" squares will result in a 4" block, but feel free to start with 2 1/2", 3" or 3 1/2" squares.
- Use contrasting colors, using the same fabric for the knot and tie pieces.

MQG Charity Challenge:
- Sign-ups begin May 25 for the MQG's 2019 Charity Challenge. Our guild would like to make a group quilt this year, to be shown at QuiltCon 2019 and then donated to a local charity. The quilt must be submitted by Feb. 8, 2019.
- We need 2 volunteers to organize the effort. Valorie Kasten will serve as an advisor. Please contact Susan Rink ( if you're interested.
- This year's challenge is to make a twin size quilt with the theme Small Piecing. You can find all the details and the color palette on the QuiltCon website here.
- A new book on Improv Piecing was donated to our library this month and will be available for check-out next month.
- A reminder to please return books after one month.
Show and Share:
Sarah Wannamaker |
Didi Salvatierra |
Ruth - Charity quilt |
Marcia Givens |
Marcia Givens - notebook cover |
Travis Seward - notebook cover |
Sarah Snider - notebook cover |
Nancy Schlepphorst - Charity quilt |
Dana Blasi - "What would you like for the world?" |
Mitzi Schafer |
Diane Bienick |
Valorie Kasten - Riley Blake Challenge and Charity quilt |
Susan Rink - Schlep Bag |
Laura Hall - notebook cover |
Faye Jones - Charity quilt and notebook cover |
Please join us for our next meeting 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 9, 2018, at:
2310 East North Street, Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607
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