Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 2025 Minutes for Greenville Modern Quilt Guild

 Saturday, January 4, 2025

Minutes: Greenville Modern Quilt Guild 

January Meeting was opened with a Welcome by new President, Dawn Bianco.  Dawn introduced herself and outlined the new board format for 2025 to include 1 board member for each area, with supporting committee members as needed. 

  • The new board members were introduced as follows: 
  • Michelle Giles, Vice President and Program Committee Chair 
  • Dawn Holter, Treasurer 
  • Cindy Brothers, Secretary 
  • Theresa Melonson, Membership 
  • Other committees chairs include: 
    • Duski Coleman , Philanthropy 
    • Alexa Harper, Social Media 
    • Donna Boylan, Librarian 
  • Gratitude was expressed to Ava Moore for her service as Immediate Past President, and a thank you gift was presented to her.

General Announcements: 

  • Local Quilt Stores:  Many are holding year end sales.  All members are encouraged to shop local and support these shops to keep them as resources in our community. 
  • Road2Virginia Quilt Show: The show is coming to the East Coast June 26 - 28, 2025.  Registration for classes will open February 5, 2025 at 10 a.m.  Learn more at: 
  • Busy Bees Quilt Guild’s rescheduled show will be held March 7,8, and 9, 2025 at the Fountain Inn Activity Center.  
  • Dawn reminded everyone of the benefits they receive as members of Modern Quilt Guild, the national organization of which we are a chapter.  A portion of our dues goes there to support the resources, classes, patterns and other things on the web site available to all.  Members also receive admission to QuiltCon through membership. 

Committee Reports: 

  • Membership - Theresa Melonson:  Theresa reiterated the value of our membership and encouraged use of the national web site. She also reminded us of a survey on the membership table to voice preference on how to receive information from our guild. New Member Diana Pickens was introduced, and 4 guests were also introduced.  
  • Programs - Michelle Giles shared three challenges that will be put forth this year. The first is a crayon challenge.  Today each member will randomly choose 3 crayons. They may add one color and make anything they choose.  This is due in April.  There will be an ugly fabric challenge and a triangle challenge offered in the coming months.  Additionally we will have a Fat Quarter of the Month with themes shared via a handout.  

 Michelle also shared upcoming programs for February (David Melonson - How to Maintain Your Sewing Machine) and March (The Quilt Symbols of the Underground Railroad by Marcy Evans).  Our May program will welcome Sarah Hibbert from the UK who will present a lecture on Friday night, May 30 from 6:30 - 7:30 followed by a Saturday workshop opened to 18 people at a cost of $60 per person. ( There will be no June meeting. 

Following a 15 minute break, the program consisted of members sharing items made with a holiday theme.  

Show and share was then opened to share other items. 

Lastly, questions were answered about our philanthropy partners through Prisma Hospital System and the Nurse Family Partnership (Tummy Time Quilts). 

Sew Days have been organized by Alexa and Renee at Marietta’s Quilt and Sew on February 8 and March 29 from 10 am to 3 pm.  Iron and cutting table provided, bring your own project. 

The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Highlights of the November 2024 meeting

Date: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd, Greenville SC. In the single-story building behind the main chapel.

Members Present:
Guests: Brenda
Agenda for Meeting: Call to order @ 1:02 PM

Vice President Michelle Giles – Welcome and Comments

Business Mtg:
Board and Committee:

  • Social Media Dagmar Theodore (If she is there)
  • Philanthropy Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange

        Quilts to Julie Valentine center and how they are used. Our quilt are going to the group that is part of Prisma Health. Not being given out as frequently as we thought they were. They receive the quilt after they are evaluated. Not everyone receives a quilt. They have other gifts to give and they give what is most appropriate for that child. They recently found a lot of quilts when they were doing a big clean out process. They have a lot of quilts for right now. They are asking for us to hold out  donating for a few months and will probably re-start beginning of 2025.

        We have the possibility of adding another group for our quilts if needed. We can discuss. 

  • Membership Linda Cassell & Teresa Melonson -- Welcome Guests and New Members

        New member – Colleen. Moved to Greenville in August. Was in guild in Massachusetts. Found us through the internet.

  • Discuss 2025 Membership Renewals and Nov 15 deadline.

        We are currently in transitional season.

  • Zeffy:
  • Process payments
  • Maintain database

        Draw for winner of those who renewed early through Zeffy! Congratulations to Dawn Holder.

Holiday Lunch:--Kerry Newberry and Julie Biggs

You can buy your tickets for the raffle items ahead of time through Zeffy. The tickets will be filled out with your information. It is preferred if you purchase by the Wednesday before the holiday party. The raffle is our fundraiser.

If you want to bring items in December, bring them by 11:30, but it would be preferred to bring prior to that time.

Julie Biggs will set a date where she will be at home for people to drop off at her home.
Sign ups for the luncheon are at meeting – soups, salads, breads

December meeting/party starts at Noon

  • Treasurer Dawn Holter –Financials

            $4366 in account at end of September

  • Secretary Sherri Eisenstein– Photo reminder for Show and Share
  • Programs Dawn Bianco, Michelle Giles and Barbara Stroup – Program and workshop updates—any updates at this point.
  • January 2025 – guild member show and tell. Bring your quilts and share ideas. Bring 1-2 quilts.
  • Check with Ruth about any library updates.Donna is taking over next year. Thank you.

            Books are marked with different letters on them. M- modern, T-traditional, etc. QA quilt as you go, E- everything else. Number of Quilt Folk magazines. We take donations of books that are about modern quilting. We like for you to return in a month or 2 if possible. You check out the book on that card with the month/year of when you check out. You don’t have to worry about due date.

  • Asheville Donations—Julie Biggs and Kerry Newberry

            If anybody has anything to donate, let Julie know. Julie’s husband worked in Asheville last week. There is a lot of stuff coming in from donations. Random donations are not super helpful. Julie would like to collect quilts and sheet sets. Julie’s husband was working on a building that was flooded for wounded warriors/veterans. Julie will send the bed info to Sherri for the minutes.

  • November 9th Sew-In—Alexa and Renae

        November sew-in on November 9th from 10-3 at Marietta’s Quilt & Sew. Bring your own project.

  • Vote on slate of officers for 2025:

    President: Dawn Bianco
    VP: Michelle Giles
    Secretary – Cindy Brother
    Treasurer - Dawn Holder
    Membership - Theresa Melonson

Committees –

    Duski philanthropy
    Alexa Harper – social media
    Program committee – Ruth, Cindy, Sherri
    Library – Donna

    Dagmar made motion. Second – Marilyn. Passed

Show and Share—photos will be posted on Instagram and FB

Alexa - mondo bag, sweatshirt, Halloween quilt, Meg, Donna – portable design wall. She used microfiber instead of flannel, Polly – bags, Mitzi – 2 quilts, Ruth – 3 quilts, Faye, Dagmar, Colleen,
Faye, Cindy

Program: How Not to Wreck a Quilt

Diane Kent – degree in textile design. Has 16 patents in engineering.

Hang your flimsy on a hanger – recommend upholstery hanger. You can get on Amazon.

PowerPoint Presentation from Sat., Nov. 2, 2024 as a PDF- See emailed file.
Word Spreadsheet for keeping up with your quilting projects. This is a Word document so you can rename or adjust the columns to fit your needs! - See emailed file.
Quilter's Moonshine Recipe - a starch alternative similar to Best Press that you can make at home - See emailed file.

Two "favorite things" that I shared during the presentation and where to find them:
1. Boogie Board: Reusable digital notebook for practicing free motion quilting and designing on your quilt without "marking" directly on it, from Amazon (presently only showing it available in blue), $44.99.
Amazon Link:
2. Drapery Hangers with tall "shoulders" and cardboard tube for hanging your quilts while finishing. Several sources such as drapery supply companies, Amazon, or even your local dry cleaner if they do drapes sell this type of hanger. If a group of people or the Guild had enough interest we could buy a box of them and then sell them individually. Note: Some companies sell the wire hanger and the tube separately so read carefully before you order!

Here are a couple of links:

Meeting ended at 2:33 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Eisenstein

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Highlights of the October 2024 meeting

Meeting called to order by President, Ava Moore @ 1:10 PM

Location: St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd., Greenville, SC
In the single-story building behind the main chapel.

Members -- TBD
Guests – Mitzi. New quilter.

Thanks for attending today. It’s been a long week for everyone due to the hurricane.
The board has been working behind the scenes.
One of the committees we want next year is a program committee. This will be an informational and supportive committee. Great way to learn what goes into programming and how to create them. Programs for this year: 

Michelle – VP is over programs and workshops (with Barbara and Dawn and Barbara)
A committee is helpful for more input

Current Board Positions:

President - Ava will not be here next month. Develops agenda for the month. Make sure people feel welcome and enables the board to make good decisions on behalf of the guild.
Sends out minutes with pictures. Acts as a cheerleader for the guild. Checks in with the national MQG from time to time.

Secretary – Sherri. Take minutes at monthly meetings and board meetings; serves as a board member.

Treasurer - Dawn H. –Monthly bank reconciliation, deposits, keep track of all money coming in and spent, pays church, keeps documents. Files taxes and filing to state and modern quilt guild. The two big times the guild accepts money for is membership and the Christmas raffle.

Membership – Theresa. Make you feel welcome as a member and keeps member roster up to date.

    • Social media - Dagmar– post on IG, Facebook. Send her pictures.

    • Philanthropy – Cindy Lange –

  • Support making quilts for a few local charities
  • Victims of physical and sexual abuse
  • New first-time mothers (infant quilts)
  • Philanthropy quilt library – collects projects that are WIPs and you can do the next step to finish it
  • Opportunities for philanthropy after immediate needs up in WNC (Ava has been in touch with WNC Modern Quilt Guild). President is in downtown Hendersonville. Ava also in touch with Angie from 5 Little Monkeys. They are coordinating with Johnson City.

    • Library – Ruth. Has put together a simple excel sheet to keep track of books. Has developed a system for check-in and check-out of the library books. The Librarian brings the books and keeps an eye out for new books. We have 6 new books for our library.
a. Artful log cabin quilts.
b. Modern Day Quilting

Asheville donations – Julie. Collecting goods right now and will handle quilts when they are
ready. Thank you to everyone who brought stuff today. Contact Julie if you would like to
donate anything else.

  • Holiday Lunch- Kerri and Julie. Raffles – will be able to buy through Zeffy or you can bring in cash or checks to the meeting. With Zeffy you can buy up until the week of the luncheon. We will pre-print the tickets for you so you don’t have to write out your name. Please try to order them by the Wednesday before the luncheon to allow time for your tickets to be printed. If you wait until after that, then you will have to write out your name on your tickets. Sign-ups are out for bringing foods and for helping decorate and cleaning up.

We have a nomination committee and we will vote next month. Ruth and Dagmar are the nominating committee.
• Dawn Bianco – President
• Dawn Holter – Treasurer
• Cindy Brothers- Secretary
• Theresa & Linda – membership
• VP – Michelle Giles
• Volunteers for committees
o Duski for philanthropy. Cindy would like to help out
o Social media – Alexa Hopper
o Program Comittee – Ruth, Cindy Brothers and anyone else who wants to help. Sherri would like to help out.
o Library: Donna has offered to take from Ruth 

Idea of coordinating with other modern quilt guild chapters for some programming for national teachers.

Zeffy - New way to collect dues and some members have tested it out. Zeffy. You can use a credit card to pay. You can still renewith cash or check at the meeting. Please fill out all the fields and that will help build our roster.
It is very easy to use.
Ava will send out the link to Zeffy. Add your information and use your credit card to pay for  membership. First page- name and membership, amount for membership is $59. Middle section of the screen allows for a donation to Zeffy (because Zeffy is free for us to use since we are a non-profit). Go to the dropdown for the donation and you can do $0 or $2 if you want. If you have trouble getting in, reach out to Ava. She will send out the email with screenshots. Once you update the donation amount, the dues will be $50 plus any Zeffy donation you choose to make.

Raffle tickets will also be available through Zeffy.

Theresa did a workshop this past summer. See pictures. Thank you, Theresa!!!


Next month’s challenge – take a picture or elements of a picture and make into a quilt top.

Show and Share:

Nancy DeJong

PROGRAM: Tools, Tips and Tricks. Next month’s program is: How not to wreck a quilt.
  1. Cheryl – take a post-it note. Use a post-it note for measuring when cutting pieces.                   a. Use tiny pieces of post it notes to avoid jamming machine with tiny pieces like a leader
  2.  Theresa – for weird scraps of batting, measure the scrap before put away in the bin. Take a master list and record it and keeps that with the bin of scrap batting.
  3. Kerri – Use excel to design quilt. Make your cells them truly a square and establish a measurement for that cell such as 1 cell is 1 inch. Use color to fill out the cell. A inexpensive way instead of FQ8. Those magnetic toys similar to etch a sketch. – magna doodle. Use that to practice your free motion quilting.
  4. Ava – a) Using light called Lux-Pro (can buy at Lowe’s). Has a sticky back on one side and a button to turn it on for those spots in your sewing machine where light doesn’t get to. B) for paper piecing. Use a bottle cap as a seam presser. San Pellegrino bottle caps make good ones.
  5. Julie – rotating cutting mat for trimming up squares. Striplogy ruler.
  6. Ruth – a) Acorn precision piecing for flattening seam. B) magna fingers – for picking up pins
  7. Cindy – professional grade magnet tape. Stick it on side of sewing table. Kraftex or Harbor Freight.
  8. Faye – a) double faced adhesive bed. Put next to sewing machine and put cut threads on it. Buy it online. B) for blocking quilts – bought a steamer. Put the quilt on the design wall after completed and then you can use steamer to block them. Once steamed, make adjustments on the quilt and it will dry being blocked. Steamer is about $25
  9. Michelle – putting UFOs in plastic box and number them. Pick a number out of a bag and that is the project you work on that month when you are looking for a UFO to work on. The Quilted Forest.
  10. Jill – pattern for organizer for beside the machine. Clover pins – flower head pins
  11. Dawn B – a) perfect slotted ruler for half square triangles. Comes in 2 sizes and uses the smaller one the most. B) take a brown paper bag and table salt. Rub hot iron on it to clean.
  12. Phyllis - Open dental floss when it Is finished. Put a bobbin inside and use the cutting part to cut thread. Great for travel.
  13. Dawn H – a) stripology ruler. B) soft touch thread pick (clover) to pick out a loose thread from a quilt
  14. Nancy – mark up feature on iPhone or iPad. Take a picture of the quilt and use the Apple pencil or your finger. Make different versions for quilting design.
  15. Anita – a) boogie board for practicing free motion quilting (you can buy on Amazon for about $16) B) iris pins super fine pins are great for paper piecing
  16. Dagmar – a) a 5 lb weight and applies to other end of ruler. B) command hooks on side of machine for hanging scissors. Use command hooks on wall and a flannel back fabric.
  17. Donna – pegboard on back of door and use it for rulers
  18. Marina - Small white board for free motion quilting.
For November meeting:
1) Challenge – take a picture or elements of a picture and create a quilt top
2) Bring donation items for raffle for December holiday party
3) Sign up for food to bring for holiday party
4) Membership for 2025. You can bring $50 cash or check or use Zeffy once Ava sends out the link via email to everyone
5) Volunteer for set-up/clean-up for holiday party

Meeting adjourned at 3:07 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Eisenstein, Secretary


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Highlights of the September 2024 meeting

 Date:  Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Time:  1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Location:  St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd, Greenville SC.  In the single-story building behind the main chapel.

Call to meeting: 1:07 PM

7 guests, 30 members


Agenda for Meeting:

o   President Ava Moore – Welcome and Comments

o   Thank you to the VPs for leading meetings the past 2 months

o   September 26-28 – Asheville Quilt Show

o   Change in program. Linda presented the guests

Business Mtg:

 Board and Committee:

o   Social Media Dagmar Theodore   --- looking for pictures for Instagram. Send her pictures for her IG account.


o   Philanthropy Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange – a few projects for checking out are available.   Two quilts ready for quilting, squares to assemble into a top, quilt that was donated and quilted and ready for binding. Duski went to Julie Valentine center. They were super happy for the donation. Kids really appreciate getting the quilts. Only 1 quilt was donated last month. We donate to 2 organizations. One is tummy time and babies have time on the floor with Mommy. These are 24 x 24.  The other program is through child services for children who have gone through some type of trauma. When the child finishes the therapy program they choose a quilt.  Lap size or twin size. Kids are 5-15 years old.  


o   Membership Linda Cassell & Teresa Mellison -- Welcome Guests and New Members


o   Discuss 2025 Membership Renewals and Nov 15 deadline.

o   Zeffy – software program that we are looking to setup for October and November annual dues for next year and be able to process credit cards. Zeffy is free so when you pay via credit card there is no processing fee.  You can donate to Zeffy to cover the cost of the transaction if you want. We would easily be able to see who signs up because the full name would be used when the payment is made unlike paypal which might have a different name.


o   Holiday Lunch:--Kerry Newberry

o   Splitting up the assignment

o   Need everyone to check their name if they are attending meeting in December to get a general idea of how many people are attending.

o   In October and November, will be signing up to contribute to the pot-luck.  Soups, salads, breads, desserts. As a fundraiser, we have a raffle. Everything is donated by us. Kerry will start collecting items between now and the November meeting.  At the raffle, lots of items with a cup for each item and you would put your tickets for that item if you want.  Tickets are $1 each. Then, a ticket will get picked for the winner. This is the only fundraiser we have. Last year about $588 was collected. The items for donation – fabric, rulers, books.  Anything quilting related that is new.  Some handmade things are OK as well. You can buy tickets starting in October and they will print out tickets with your information on them.


o   Treasurer Dawn Holter –Financials


o   Money in the bank includes paying the “mothership” for the recent audit to catch up for newer members; Our insurance was paid on August 15th.



o   Secretary Sherri Eisenstein– Photo reminder for Show and Share


Please say your name when you do show and share so it can be recorded.  

Sherri researching retreats for next year.


o   Programs Dawn Bianco, Michelle Giles and Barbara Stroup – Program and workshop updates


o   Check with Ruth about any library updates.

o   Ruth labelled the books

o   Not standard library labeling

o   Ruth has a list and is trying to organize them

o   2 missing books

§  Barbara Stroup had 2 books out and gave them to someone to give to Ruth and she has not received them

·        The Modern Quilt Bible

·        Book by Debbie Grifka – Lines by Design Quilts

o   Ruth will have the return basket at the December meeting. If you have books, please return them by that meeting.

o   Ruth would like to have someone take over as librarian for 2025

o   Nominating committee – Ruth & Dagmar

o   This is the time of year we start working on 2025 elections.

o   If you have any interest in helping out on the board, talk to them or anyone on the board.

o   The board positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.  Then, the committee chairs. The committee chairs are appointed by the President according the bylaws but is usually a voluntary position. Board members have volunteered previously and there has been little information at transition time so we would like small committees so we have more thoughts and to have information flow to avoid delays during times of transition and increased transfer of knowledge.

§  The VP is currently in charge of programs



Show and Share


Sherri – purse and quilt


Jill  -- uses Becky Schwartz for quilting



    Donna and Corey—went to Cary Quilting in Raleigh. Tote bag and quilt



Cindy – wonky squares





  Leigh Ann – Blue and yellow



 Faye– everyone should submit a quilt to a show to get feedback from judges, Faye’s quilt in the upcoming Asheville Quilt Show



    Jennifer – Lo & Behold Stitchery class online


 Ruth – philanthropy quilt from improv challenge blocks

Applique from jersey knits and big stitches.  Allison Glass sew-along cozy quilt.

Pillow cover


Small wall hanging

Faye”s class  - curved piecing



Additional Meeting Notes:

Sewing day – Saturday, October 12 at Marietta’s.  A full day.  10-3

Programming for the next 3 months fell through.

Tips, tricks, or tools – next month.  Trying to get a feel for how many people can participate.

Challenge for November – based on Faye’s class.  Take a picture and take elements of that picture and turn it into a quilt. 5 tickets for raffle for having something to present.



          Quilt Labels


Jill Ellis, Andrianna, Chris, Corey, Colleen

Put your name, pattern name or title of quilt, finish date, your name, location.

Use your embroidery machine if you have one. You can hand do it

Label on muslin with a marker

Piece of label on back of quilt and front

Order custom labels

Print a QR code

Print on paper and sew into a pocket

Order custom stamps

Print a label on your printer

Handout with different websites for resources

 A label is a great way to capture some historical information such as family quilts

Include information about the special occasion

Think about the recipient and there might be something unique regarding the background story

You could put care instructions on your label so that recipient knows how to launder

Websites have download suggestions to put onto the label

Keep a quilt journal and write in the journal – what quilt you made and some story.  You could do an excel spreadsheet. 

Include the name of the long-armer on the label if appropriate


·       On the Alliance website, you can print a label

·       Handout.

o   Bubbleset 2000

·       Prefers Pentel gel pen for fabric is good for signing

·       Gellyroll by Sakura – come in 3 sizes, Ruth likes the 10 best.  Also comes in 5 and 8.  They are permanent.

Meeting Adjourned at 3:00 PM

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Highlights of the June 1, 2024 meeting

Saturday, June 1, 2024 at Giles Presbyterian Church.

Meeting called to order by President Ava Moore at 1:02 PM
36 members in attendance

Business Meeting:
• East Cobb County Quilt Show is next weekend in Marietta, GA, June 6th – 8th. A very large quilt guild.
• Mountain Fest in Pigeon Forge this week, Tuesday through Friday
• Has anyone ever worked with MailChimp or experience in graphics?
• Guild update communication – email, Facebook, Instagram 

Board and Committee Reports:
• Social Media – Dagmar Theodore. Nothing to report.
• Philanthropy – Duski Coleman and Cindy Lange. Project boxes on the table.
• Membership – Linda Cassell and Teresa Melonson. New members, Lori and Renee welcomed.

• Treasurer – Dawn Holter. Nothing to report.
• Secretary – Sherri Eisenstein. Nothing to report.
• Programs – Dawn Bianco, Michelle Giles, and Barbara Stroup.

o Teresa started teaching her log cabin quilt class this morning and will conclude next weekend.
o Couple openings for the upcoming classes:
▪ Improv Curves with Faye Jones
▪ Foundation Paper Piecing with Johnnie McKenzie
o Will do show and share of challenge blocks later today
o Next challenge is in August for improvisational blocks. No other requirements. 



                LeighAnn Lukens 

Program: Paige Taylor. Challenge Quilts

• Look on internet for challenge quilts or blocks.
• Paige’s webpage:
• On Instagram: Quiltedblooms
• Read the rules of the challenge and pay attention to them
• Uses quick curve ruler a lot
• Challenge yourself. Look online, in magazines, pantone challenge (for color of the year), modern quilt guild website, online quilting bee
• Challenge doesn’t have to be big to participate
• Doing a challenge encourages you to learn and use new techniques
• AQS ultimate guild challenge
• MQG has 2 challenges for QuiltCon 2025.
o Certain colors
o Low volume
A sample of Paige’s quilts--